
นพ.อิทธิพัทธ์ ผลวาวแวว
Dr.Ittipat Ponwawwaew
การศึกษา / Education
- คณะแพทย์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น (เกียรตินิยม อันดับ 2) / Faculty of medicine, Khon Kaen University
- ว.44261
ฝึกอบรม / Certificate Training
- Certificate of Attendance : 2th iClass Anatomy Cadaver
- Certificate of Attendance : Applied Anatomy Cadaver Course for Filler and Botulinum Toxin Injection, Allergan Medical Institute, Singapore
- Certificate of Attendance : The 5th Medyceles Botulinum toxin Cadaver Course
- Certificate of IMCAS Annual World Congress 2019, Paris
- Certificate of Attendance : Thermage FLXPhysician Training
- Certificate of Recognition : Cadaver and hand-on workshop for Thread lifting, 2021, faculty of medicine Siriraj Hospital.
- Attendance of Allergan institution meeting MD CODE immerson, Seoul, Korea, 2019
- Attendance of Beauty through Science 2018 , Stockholm, Sweden
- Certificate of Attendance : Applied Anatomy Cadaver Course for Filler and
- Botulinum Toxin Injection, Allergan Medical Institute, Singapore 2017
- Certificate of Attendance : Sculptra Exclusive Hand-on Workshop by Galderma Aesthetics
- COMPLETION OF TRAINING CERTIFICATE, Radiesse® Regenerative Biotimulator Training Program
- Certificate of Attendance: Ultherapy Training by MERZ Aesthetics